OpenRepGrid: Annotated overview of package functions.
This documentation page contains an overview over the package functions ordered by topics. The best place to start learning OpenRepGrid will be the package website https://openrepgrid.org though.
Functions sorted by topic
Manipulating grids
left() | Move construct(s) to the left |
right() | Move construct(s) to the right |
up() | Move construct(s) upwards |
down() | Move construct(s) downwards |
Loading and saving data
importGridcor() | Import GRIDCOR data files |
importGridstat() | Import Gridstat data files |
importGridsuite() | Import Gridsuite data files |
importScivesco() | Import sci:vesco data files |
importTxt() | Import grid data from a text file |
saveAsTxt() | Save grid in a text file (txt) |
Analyzing constructs
Descriptive statistics of constructs Construct correlations distance Root mean square of inter-construct correlations Somers' D Principal component analysis (PCA) of construct correlation matrix Cluster analysis of constructs
Analyzing elements
Visual representation
Bertin plots | |
bertin() | Make Bertin display of grid data |
bertinCluster() | Bertin display with corresponding cluster analysis |
Biplots | |
biplot2d() | Draw a two-dimensional biplot |
biplotEsa2d() | Plot an eigenstructure analysis (ESA) biplot in 2D |
biplotSlater2d() | Draws Slater's INGRID biplot in 2D |
biplotPseudo3d() | See 'biplotPseudo3d' for its use. Draws a biplot of the grid in 2D with depth impression (pseudo 3D) |
biplotEsaPseudo3d() | Plot an eigenstructure analysis (ESA) in 2D grid with 3D impression (pseudo 3D) |
biplotSlaterPseudo3d() | Draws Slater's biplot in 2D with depth impression (pseudo 3D) |
biplot3d() | Draw grid in rgl (3D device) |
biplotEsa3d() | Draw the eigenstructure analysis (ESA) biplot in rgl (3D device) |
biplotSlater3d() | Draw the Slater's INGRID biplot in rgl (3D device) |
biplotSimple() | A graphically unsophisticated version of a biplot |
Index measures
indexConflict1() | Conflict measure for grids (Slade & Sheehan, 1979) based on correlations |
indexConflict2() | Conflict measure for grids (Bassler et al., 1992) based on correlations |
indexConflict3() | Conflict or inconsistency measure for grids (Bell, 2004) based on distances |
indexDilemma() | Detect implicative dilemmas (conflicts) |
indexIntensity() | Intensity index |
indexPvaff() | Percentage of Variance Accounted for by the First Factor (PVAFF) |
indexBias() | Calculate 'bias' of grid as defined by Slater (1977) |
indexVariability() | Calculate 'variability' of a grid as defined by Slater (1977) |
Special features
alignByIdeal() | Align constructs using the ideal element to gain pole preferences |
alignByLoadings() | Align constructs by loadings on first principal component |
reorder2d() | Order grid by angles between construct and/or elements in 2D |
OpenRepGrid uses several default settings e.g. to determine
how many construct characters to display by default when displaying a grid.
The function settings
can be used to show and change these settings.
Also it is possible to store the settings to a file and load the settings
file to restore the settings.
settings() | Show and modify global settings for OpenRepGrid |
settingsSave() | Save OpenRepGrid settings to file |
settingsLoad() | Load OpenRepGrid settings from file |
Grid datasets
OpenRepGrid already contains some ready to use grid data sets. Most of
the datasets are taken from the literature. To output the data simply type
Type the name of the dataset to the console and press enter.
Single grids
bell2010() | Grid data from a study by Haritos et al. (2004) on role titles; used for demonstration of construct alignment in Bell (2010, p. 46). |
bellmcgorry1992() | Grid from a psychotic patient used in Bell (1997, p. 6). Data originated from a study by Bell and McGorry (1992). |
boeker() | Grid from seventeen year old female schizophrenic patient undergoing last stage of psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy (Boeker, 1996, p. 163). |
fbb2003() | Dataset used in A manual for Repertory Grid Technique (Fransella, Bell, & Bannister, 2003b, p. 60). |
feixas2004() | Grid from a 22 year old Spanish girl suffering self-worth problems (Feixas & Saul, 2004, p. 77). |
mackay1992() | Dataset Grid C used in Mackay's paper on inter-element correlation (1992, p. 65). |
leach2001a() , leach2001b() | Pre- (a) and post-therapy (b) dataset from sexual child abuse survivor (Leach, Freshwater, Aldridge, & Sunderland, 2001, p. 227). |
raeithel() | Grid data to demonstrate the use of Bertin diagrams (Raeithel, 1998, p. 223). The context of its administration is unknown. |
slater1977a() | Drug addict grid dataset from (Slater, 1977, p. 32). |
slater1977b() | Grid dataset (ranked) from a seventeen year old female psychiatric patient (Slater, 1977, p. 110) showing depression, anxiety and self-mutilation. The data was originally reported by Watson (1970). |
Multiple grids
Functions for developers
OpenRepGrid: internal functions overview for developers.
Below you find a guide for developers: these functions are usually not needed by the casual user. The internal functions have a twofold goal
to provide means for advanced numerical grid analysis and 2) to facilitate function development. The function for these purposes are internal, i.e. they are not visible in the package documentation. Nonetheless they do have a documentation that can be accesses in the same way as for other functions. More in the details section.
Functions for advanced grid analysis
The package provides functions to facilitate numerical research for grids. These comprise the generation of random data, permutation of grids etc. to facilitate Monte Carlo simulations, batch analysis of grids and other methods. With R as an underlying framework, the results of grid analysis easily lend themselves to further statistical processing and analysis within R. This is one of the central advantages for researchers compared to other standard grid software. The following table lists several functions for these purposes.
randomGrid() | |
randomGrids() | |
permuteConstructs() | |
permuteGrid() | |
quasiDistributionDistanceSlater() |
Modules for function development
Beside the advanced analysis feature the developer's functions comprise
low-level modules to create new functions for grid analysis.
Though the internal structure of a repgrid object in R is simple
(type e.g. str(bell2010, 2)
to get an impression), it is convenient
to not have to deal with access on this level. Several function like e.g.
are convenient wrappers that perform standard tasks
needed when implementing new functions. The following table lists several
functions for these purposes.
getRatingLayer() | Retrieve grid scores from grid object. |
getNoOfConstructs() | Get the number of constructs in a grid object. |
getNoOfElements() | Get the number of elements in a grid object. |
dim() | Get grid dimensions, i.e. constructs x elements. |
getScale() | Get minimum and maximum scale value used in grid. |
getScaleMidpoint() | Get midpoint of the grid rating scale. |
getConstructNames() | Get construct names. |
getConstructNames2() | Get construct names (another newer version). |
getElementNames() | Retrieve element names of repgrid object. |
bindConstructs() | Concatenate the constructs of two grids. |
doubleEntry() | Join the constructs of a grid with the same reversed constructs. |
Other internal functions
importTxtInternal() |
Current members of the OpenRepGrid development team: Mark Heckmann. Everyone who is interested in developing the package is invited to join.
The \pkg{OpenRepGrid} package development is hosted on github (<https://github.com/markheckmann/OpenRepGrid>).
The github site provides information and allows to file bug reports or feature requests.
Bug reports can also be emailed to the package maintainer or issued on
<https://openrepgrid.org> under section *Suggestions/Issues*.
The package maintainer is Mark Heckmann <heckmann(dot)mark(at)gmail(dot)com>.