OpenRepGrid 0.1.14
CRAN release: 2023-05-16
- remove TCLTK import. No interactive windows any more.
- move CI/CD from Travis to github actions
- resolve conflicts while loading packages
- update docs for indexPolarity
- reverse as alternative to swapPoles
- indexBieri: Bieri index of cognitive complexity
- matches: count rating matches in pairs of constructs and elements
- reorder method to invert construct and/or element order
- dilemmatic construct (indexDilemmatic)
- polarization measure (indexPolarization)
- new print option for indexIntensity
- normalize argument in distance and indexSelfConstruction
- plot method for indexDilemma to produce network graphs
- add logo to documentation
- cognitive self construction: self vs. ideal vs. others (indexSelfConstruction)
- addAvgElement to add an average element
- rep method for regrid objects creates gridlist
- summary measures for indexDilemma (PID, IID, PICID)
- midpoint function (alias for getScaleMidpoint)
- print method for indexDilemma
- fix indexDilemma output bug (#17, thanks to José Antonio González Del Puerto aka @MindCartographer)
- perturbation of grid ratings by perturbate and grids_perturbate
- indexPvaff now uses PCA of construct centered raw data in line with biplot (and Gridcor)
- allow blanks at end of line after tags in importTxt
- grids_leave_n_out and grids_bootstrap for resampling constructs
- gridlist class, a simple list of repgrid objects
OpenRepGrid 0.1.13
- indexDilemma was improved and fixed (thanks to Diego Vitali aka @artoo-git)
- biplot2d does now hide construct points as default setting (cex=0)
- setting a rating value outside the defined scale range now throws an error
- ‘ratings’ to access and replace grid ratings added
- ‘elements’ added to get and set element names replaces ‘getElementNames’ and ‘eNames’ which have become deprecated.
- ‘constructs’, ‘leftpoles’, and ‘rightpoles’ added to get and set construct poles replace ‘getConstructNames’ and ‘cNames’ which have become deprecated.
OpenRepGrid 0.1.11
- saveAsExcel to save grids as Microsoft Excel files
- replace xlsx by openxlsx to import Excel files to get rid of JRE dependency
OpenRepGrid 0.1.9
CRAN release: 2014-09-07
- align parameter added to cluster
- importTxt will now erase empty lines
- changed default settings for implicative dilemmas
- dependency on xlsx removed (issue #15)
OpenRepGrid 0.1.8
CRAN release: 2013-06-14
- importGridstat can now import multigrid files
- bug fix in importTxt: negative values are read in again
OpenRepGrid 0.1.7
CRAN release: 2013-05-26
- print functions for most grid indexes added, former output argument no longer exists
- settings function added. Settings can now be modified, saved and loaded
- clusterBoot function for p-values in cluster analysis
- functions by topic overview documentation
- bindConstructs can now take many grids and/or lists of grids as arguments. Element names are now matched and reordered automatically
- ‘+’ can now be used to concatenated two grids or list of grids
- importExcel function added
- importTxt: ratings and range can now have an arbitrary number of blanks or tabs between the values. The characters - (minus) and ? (question mark) are read in as missing values (NA). The file extensions .TXT (capitals) is now recognized
- clusterBoot added:implementation of pvclust functions
OpenRepGrid 0.1.5
CRAN release: 2011-07-23
- First release version available on CRAN.
- method dim to return size of a grid. A simple wrapper around getNoOfConstructs and getNoOfElements
- package description updated
- prob argument in distanceXXX functions added
- bug in makeRepgrid corrected: ratings now read by row
OpenRepGrid 0.1.4
- demo added
- bug corrected in importScivesco
- changed package description
- prob parameter: randomGrid(s), quasiDistributionDistanceSlater (dev)
- distanceNormalized
OpenRepGrid 0.1.3
- permuteConstructs (dev)
- update openrepgrid-internal
- permuteGrid (dev)
- update zzz
- corrected COLLATION order
OpenRepGrid 0.1.2
- polishing of console output for several functions:
- constructCor
- elementCor
- statsConstructs
- statsElements
- distance
- alignByLoadings
- some others might have been changed (undocumented)
OpenRepGrid 0.1.1
New Features
- indexConflict1: unbalanced triads (Slade & Sheehan)
- indexConflict2: unbalanced triads (Bassler et al.)
- indexConflict3: triangle inequalities
- indexDilemma: detect implicative dilemmas
- data leach2001a and leach2001b
Internal changes
- getConstructNames2
- getElementNames2
- formatMatrix
OpenRepGrid 0.0.9
New Features
- zoom argument in biplots
- variance explained options in biplots
- color controls in biplots for points and labels
- no overplotting with high zoom values
- PVAFF index
- frames for biplot3d
- intensity index
OpenRepGrid 0.0.7
New Features
- updated documentation files
- changes in addVarianceExplainedToBiplot2d
- alignByIdeal
OpenRepGrid 0.0.6
New Features
- biplot3d (new version)
- biplotEsa2d
- biplotEsa3d
- biplotSlater2d
- biplotSlater3d
- home